
Showing posts from July, 2024


A fluffy white and black mixed fur with cute and adorable physical features of a wonderful creature.   While sweeping the floor in the evening and thinking of a topic for the blog a sudden thought popped up in my mind that is about panda, talking about panda it is one of the cutest creatures on this planet. I've never seen any panda till now except for a few random shorts on YouTube. Those are adorable. Pandas are known for their laziness, yeah I'm someone who supports on side of laziness, But situations force me not to be a lazy kid but I love to do things slowly and gradually without any hurriness which also includes a calm atmosphere. Pandas are known for their clumsiness, they are like small naughty kids who need the full attention of the caretaker although pandas are said to be lazy they can't keep themselves quiet without causing damage for a minute. They keep on doing something rolling here and there, climbing the trees, and having their food properly.....They want t

Strict parents

  Most of our parents would be strict and we know the struggles to live in a strict household. The only desire of that kid who has strict parents is to get freedom and fly away from their homes. And also those children want them to be a cool parents once they grow up, But do we be a cool parent who let our kids do whatever they want, definitely we won't. We might be liberal with them but won't give them complete freedom. I used to get irritated whenever my parents said NO to something that I had desired for so long, and it happened to most of us, we argued and even fought with them to permit us to do certain things. If we ask for an explanation to them for stopping us from several things they do tell us several aspects of the situation but what my parents tell me is that we have a narrow mindset and they have a broad mindset by which they could think of the further consequences but as kids we might think of the present situation and here I'm not telling that everyone would

Depression led to.........

  Today evening I was going through the life history of a prominent poet of the 20th century Sylvia Plath. She had a great life except for the trauma that led her to death at a very young age. Depression isn't a problem of the 21st century but it all started when humans began to think. We just can't ignore depression as it is a dangerous and deadly disease, everything around us seems to be confusing when you're depressed, with that you'll get anxiety and you can't be normal something in you will take over you. In the case of Sylvia, she had to go through a lot of tough times all alone and she always had this thought of ending her life she went through 2 failed attempts which turned out to be trauma and by which she drowned into depression. Although she was a great poet of American literature and also excelled in her academics I feel like her life lacked peace as it's the primary factor for a human to live. At the age of 30, she ended her life leaving her 2 child

Our native

  Although I was born and brought up in Chennai my parents and my forefathers are from Kanniyakumari, and we always feel proud to talk about our native. Talking about natives reminds me of my sweet grandparents, cousins and a place where nature is everywhere you turn around. I went to my native when I was 4 or 5 years old and that's my first trip to my native. We were staying at our grandparents' house with our cousins and planned to spend our 10 days on vacation there but unfortunately, we had to return within 5 days since my mom got an unexpected call from her school. But we had so much fun on those 5 days after few years after that trip my grandmother passed away and we all grew up and didn't talk much with each other it's the opposite for my mom's relatives we all grew up but still connected as a siblings. For my mom's parents, I'm the youngest of all the grandchildren so I couldn't get to spend much time with my grandparents but still, I had special

Concert day

  We were confused till the last minute about whether to go to the concert or not as my sister told us that she wouldn't be coming to the concert in the afternoon and I was feeling uncomfortable about going all alone to the concert, At last, I gather up my courage and got ready, I thought to go there alone by my dad didn't let me as it will be late at night once I return from there so he accompanies me. We reached there by 6:15, my dad dropped me there and he went to a nearby church. When I got off the bike I had mixed emotions and I couldn't define them, I was scared, tensed, anxious and with little excitement as it was my first proper concert ( worship concert ). A concert is meant to go there with friends or cousins or else in groups. I got into the campus all alone, entering into the concert ground with a tag on my hand by which they'd let me in. I was completely nervous so I sat down in a chair where there weren't many people around but got filled within minute

A blissful evening

 It was about 6:30 in the evening when my dad wanted to go out to buy groceries but it was raining for so long, that we waited for a few minutes and we stepped out of the house once the rain stopped. We went to Pallavaram market to buy groceries, It was drizzling and we weren't wearing raincoats I was enjoying the climate with melodies flowing through my ears but as a responsible father, my dad made me wear a helmet to avoid the drizzle on me. After parking our vehicle my eyes were astonished by the population in the market because markets are meant to have a lot of people but here there are fewer people than usual and I'm someone who hates crowded places but we can just isolate ourselves from this giant universe. Then we went to several shops to buy vegetables and fruits, I found the jackfruit shop as an interesting one it's because of the way that shopkeepers talk to us to sell fruit, My dad loves jackfruits so we thought to buy one, he was inspecting several shops to get

A random cute kid

  I had to take a bus to college every day and now because of the work happening on the road buses are diverted onto the service road and I feel so good travelling on the service road as it has trees on the side with a fresh breeze and it doesn't have traffic often, Today I was looking out from the window of the bus while the bus was staying in the signal, Next to the bus A middle age woman who was in her 30s came in a bike with her kid who might be 5 years old I assume, both of them are wearing a helmet and the boy was crying out his lungs, I guess he doesn't like going to school he has been crying for so long but his mother retained her patience and said nothing to that kid. Although he was crying aloud I find him adorable which also reminds me of my childhood school days. I couldn't remember much about kindergarten but the day that I could remember is the 1st day of 1st standard probably I was between 4 -5 years old, My mom and dad wanted to drop in school as it was my f


  For about 6 years I've been using a scarf while going out. When I was about 13, I started to wear a scarf around my face to prevent myself from pollution, It was the time when I was suffering from several allergies so it is recommended to avoid pollution, chocolates and other sweets for my betterment and that's how I started to wear a scarf but on that time I never thought that scarf would play a crucial role in my everyday routine. In my school days, I used a scarf whenever I went out except for going to school, I wore a scarf while going to shops, church and even to the departmental store which is on the next street and after completing school I started to wear a scarf everywhere I go, I started using scarf for a reason but now I can't go anywhere without wearing the scarf I feel something weird if I don't wear a scarf around my face. And on the sunny days if I don't wear scarves or hold an umbrella I would faint somewhere on my way. Wearing scarves isn't as

Beauty from inside

  Everything in the world is about beauty, from selecting accessories for us to selecting a partner in our lives. We somehow see the physical appearance of the person before thinking about their behaviour and their true nature. Today my professor talked about inner beauty in his lecture by giving real-life instances. By talking we might casually say that we prefer inner beauty to physical appearance but if we come across someone with extremely good-looking facial features we'll talk about their pretty face with our friends and I believe it's human nature. For me the people who I met with inner beauty are my parents and grandparents, I learned kindness from my grandfather, showing love and care to someone from my grandmother, not giving up on anything that we started from my dad, being patient during the time of trial in life from my mom and every one taught me to get closer to god which is the significant factor for inner beauty. I couldn't get to spend much time with my gr

The muddy road

 It's been 10 months since we walked in our streets peacefully There has been hollowness out of the ground repeatedly for months but every time they fill up the hollow with mud. It's becoming worse day by day, they have been also doing this on all the main roads and in the streets of Anakaputhur. Driving on these roads causes severe back pain to people. It feels like a roller coaster while driving. It won't be clear in the pic presented in the thumbnail It is even more terrible than we think especially when it rains, some roads have been blocked which causes heavy traffic on the Pallavaram - Pammal main road and people get frustrated in the morning because there aren't many ways to catch main road and in the hurry, people might get into the street to catch main road but to be honest street are even more terrible than main roads. So the buses are diverted into service roads and it takes more time to reach the destination than usual. Since buses were diverted, people from

Losing and accepting

   Our professor took lecture on this poem called one art by Elizabeth bishop last week which talks about losing things in our life and accepting it whole heartedly and mastering ourselves in losing things. It also tells that we should lose something everything day inorder to master it. As a kid who grew up in a Christian family everyone taught me that the world is temporary but we have a eternal place to live after our life in this world and I don't have enough maturity to understand about these things and couldn't realize about the reality but after growing up and getting connected to the society and come to know about reality of life I couldn't deny but it's true. Losing something in this material world is hard until we relay on them. My professor added to it that everything which is created in this world is meant to be vanish or depart from us someday. Nothing could be permanent in this temporary world. Talking about not relaying on the material aspects of life seem

The joyful dinner

  So again I'm here with another cooking blog, It was around 2 pm when I was scrolling through shorts and came across this cooking shorts, And I had the urge to make dinner tonight as my mom has been working all day and she makes dinner for us every day so I want her to take rest today. My Dad usually wants to have dinner by 7 to 8 pm. But today's cooking started at 7:30 pm since I was doing the dinner instead of scrolling on my phone my dad didn't complain. I started with chopping onion and tomatoes then poured oil into a hot pan, once the oil got heated I added mustard seed and curry leaves to the oil by maintaining a good distance from the stove. Sautéing the onion is one of the tasks to which we need a lot of patience because it might look cooked but it's not until it looks a fine golden colour then adding tomatoes to it with all the Masala required. Covering it with a lid to let it cook, in the meantime, I had to make Chappati although I was focused on these two di

The unexpected trip

  It was past 3:30 pm on 26th June as I was having my lunch while watching some comedy shows and that's when I got a call from Dad saying that we'll be going somewhere tonight and he instructed me to pack everyone's stuff and he also informed me to take a leave next day, After my parents arrival from work he kept our bags in the car and started off the journey by 8:30 pm On our way we picked up my sister near airport and continued our trip. It was already night and we all were tired from our hectic day so we slept without our knowing. It wasn't convenient for us to sleep there, in addition to it we all were tired. By morning we reached Thoothukudi, we freshened up and went for the prayer it started by 11 am and ended by 2 pm. It was such a blessing to our family, it was a graceful meeting for us. After lunch, we planned to leave for Chennai as we had to go to work and college the very next day. Leaving there by 3 pm and reaching our house by 5 am we took a rest for a fe

The addiction

  Although we have various kinds of malted milk powder I always had this separate bond with Horlicks but not by mixing with milk which is the fundamental objective, I always love to have it in powder form not only me most of us love to have it in powder. But my parents always warned me not to eat it as a powder but to mix it with milk and have it, and I never listened to them to the point when they were forced to hide the milk powder from me in the wardrobe as I have it while my parents went for work so they will lock it in wardrobe, the shelf where I can't reach and in rice container. They warned me about the health issues that I might face by eating it as a powder but I never listened as I was just 10 years old, I thought god would save me as I was a kid if I had to face health issues and I didn't have the maturity to know about the consequences. Once my sister was admitted to the hospital anyone who came to visit her gave fruits and nutritious drinks which also included Horl

The world of imagination and reality

  I bet that every one of us has a world where we rule everything there and the world in which things happen according to our desires and the world to which we escape, last week my professor asked this question Is the real world or imaginary world important to us? Most of us answered with the imaginary world and to justify this answer, just think of a stressed situation in our life or a situation when things don't go our way, To relax we sit down and drift into the world we created and its a source of escaping from the real world. And about the real world, it's something we can't escape from, a loop where we're stuck. I'm also someone who loves to be in the imaginary world almost all the time To be honest it makes me feel so good but thinking practically we can't be there forever somehow we have to get back to our reality where we have to face the struggle and resolve it. My professor said that we should give importance to both the world equally and both world p


 Let me know how many of you like no...LOVE coffee? I'm someone who starts the day with coffee, not addicted but I wanna drink a coffee or tea when starting a day. I took this advice from people to drink coffee while studying late at night to stay awake but for me, it went wrong, It was a mid-term exam the next day and I opened the book, the night before the exam. I prepared a coffee and stored it in a thermal cup to drink when I felt sleepy, I studied for an hour and had some coffee just as I slept without knowing in the next 10 minutes.  I learned to make coffee when I was 13 still I make mistakes like adding too much sugar or adding less decoction but my love for coffee always makes me adjust to the mistake while having coffee. For some, coffee plays a crucial role in our everyday routine. Sometimes I wake up from sleep by the smell of coffee....but rarely, the smell is even more addictive than the taste. After so many days, I made coffee for my parents, whenever they to

Dinner preparation

  Hello folks, Today I came back home by 2:30 pm from college then I had to have my lunch, after a while I was folding clothes when my dad arrived home. As he brought chicken on his way back home and my mom wanted me to decide what to do for dinner I guess she asked the wrong person because I had no idea about dinner, So they ended up making biryani and I had to cut veggies for the dinner. After folding clothes, I sat down to cut onions. Note: Soak your onions in water for about 3-5 minutes after peeling their skin then you can cut the onions so that you can prevent yourself from shedding tears. I'm bad at cooking but rarely I make good food it depends on my luck. So my parents didn't force me to learn cooking but they will make me help with their cooking. After cutting the veggies I left the kitchen right after giving the chopped veggies to mom and only came back after an hour when all the work was almost done, My mom finished off and gathered us for prayer. After completing t


  I was a person who grew up in a community where people used to have similar thoughts and ideas where they could agree to each other and I was taught to think and act like what our elders would do. Even in my school, my classmates would have similar perspectives. Similar Thought is something which includes personal belief, about society and their community too. And I was someone who was told to do things according to our parents will without questioning them, Basically they want us to be a doll who would say yes if they shook our heads. But then I had several principles in my life which could also come under my parent's agreement, If I'm gonna do something or take up a decision I'll always think of my parent's reaction and the people who are close to me, like what they will think of this decision? Or do they find anything wrong in taking up this thing into our life?, because these are the people who would think good for me, So I feel like it matters about my parent'


 Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing great. It's been a long time since I took a break from blogging and now I'm back with new spirit and energy to make myself even more colourful and cheerful. I have been figuring out what am I missing from a few weeks back because I was feeling a space or an emptiness in myself although I kept myself busy as much as I could I failed to fill up the space. I was confused with my feelings and emotions and I don't know how to explain my feeling. A week ago I sat down for a while and made myself calm and my thoughts were filled with unlucky incidents that happened days ago and that's when I missed the gracelin who loves to cherish every moment of her life, she isn't perfect but she tries to be positive in every possible situation, yep, she gets embarrassed about thinking of an incident that happened years ago but she immediately dismisses the thought from her mind, and several months before she started to learn to adore the small thin