The joyful dinner


So again I'm here with another cooking blog, It was around 2 pm when I was scrolling through shorts and came across this cooking shorts, And I had the urge to make dinner tonight as my mom has been working all day and she makes dinner for us every day so I want her to take rest today. My Dad usually wants to have dinner by 7 to 8 pm. But today's cooking started at 7:30 pm since I was doing the dinner instead of scrolling on my phone my dad didn't complain. I started with chopping onion and tomatoes then poured oil into a hot pan, once the oil got heated I added mustard seed and curry leaves to the oil by maintaining a good distance from the stove. Sautéing the onion is one of the tasks to which we need a lot of patience because it might look cooked but it's not until it looks a fine golden colour then adding tomatoes to it with all the Masala required. Covering it with a lid to let it cook, in the meantime, I had to make Chappati although I was focused on these two dishes, mistake happens right? Everyone makes their Chappatis with perfect golden brown but for me, few got burnt😅😅. After an hour the stove was turned off and the dishes were served to my parents with hesitation whether they would like it or they would complain just like I do when they cook. But to my surprise, they were delighted, which made me glad. The thing that I learnt is that we might complain about our parents cooking until we cook for ourselves but it is not as easy as it seems especially when you cook for others, people say that cooking is an art, So let's admire cooking and try not to complain about anyone's cooking.


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