So let me start the blog with a valid question, How many hours will you spend for sleeping in a day?..... My sleeping hours got reduced in the past 3 months I would sleep for 5 hours a day whereas a human has to sleep at least for 8 hours is the doctor's prescription. But you guys, never think of me as a spirited or bustling person those words never suit me. Sleep is a wonderful activity for active beings, by sleeping your anger can go down, and can be relieved from unwanted stress and overthinking, and it will even boost your mental energy. Moreover, you can escape from reality for a while, which means when you wake up from sleep you'll have the confidence to encounter and conquer the battle with which you have been struggling for days.
And I have heard people saying those who sleep a lot are sluggish humans, Does it even make any sense?.... Everyone knows how important sleep is, in an individual's life. After a long tiring day even if I get a 10-minute nap that would be so refreshing and it brings out a new energy to do the rest of my work. Don't think people who sleep a lot are lazy, although they love to sleep, stay in bed for a longer period but still get their work done at the right time. Sleep never represents laziness. Have a good bedtime


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