Beauty from inside


Everything in the world is about beauty, from selecting accessories for us to selecting a partner in our lives. We somehow see the physical appearance of the person before thinking about their behaviour and their true nature. Today my professor talked about inner beauty in his lecture by giving real-life instances. By talking we might casually say that we prefer inner beauty to physical appearance but if we come across someone with extremely good-looking facial features we'll talk about their pretty face with our friends and I believe it's human nature. For me the people who I met with inner beauty are my parents and grandparents, I learned kindness from my grandfather, showing love and care to someone from my grandmother, not giving up on anything that we started from my dad, being patient during the time of trial in life from my mom and every one taught me to get closer to god which is the significant factor for inner beauty. I couldn't get to spend much time with my grandparents but the times when I was with them were still golden moments of my life. My grandma's face glowed even when she was in her mid-80s. Every one of us knows that our physical appearance not gonna last forever and trying to change our facial features is going beyond nature. I'm not someone who is completely on her inner beauty but trying to be a better version of myself for others. It's going to be one life let's try to live with a beauty inside our heart which is gonna spread out the love and kindness to others.


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