Our native


Although I was born and brought up in Chennai my parents and my forefathers are from Kanniyakumari, and we always feel proud to talk about our native. Talking about natives reminds me of my sweet grandparents, cousins and a place where nature is everywhere you turn around. I went to my native when I was 4 or 5 years old and that's my first trip to my native. We were staying at our grandparents' house with our cousins and planned to spend our 10 days on vacation there but unfortunately, we had to return within 5 days since my mom got an unexpected call from her school. But we had so much fun on those 5 days after few years after that trip my grandmother passed away and we all grew up and didn't talk much with each other it's the opposite for my mom's relatives we all grew up but still connected as a siblings. For my mom's parents, I'm the youngest of all the grandchildren so I couldn't get to spend much time with my grandparents but still, I had special care from my grandparents. Years passed and we got to go to our native only on special occasions. Visiting our natives has become a flying visit maximum of 3 days to stay. But still, I miss the days when we were small kids running and playing with our cousins and our parents watching over us while gossiping and our grandparents taking a stand and defending us from our parents. About the nature of our motherland is incredible, It'll rain whenever we think of rain. It's all about trees everywhere with a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Yeah, it is a developing district of Tamilnadu but still the beauty remains the same.


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