

For about 6 years I've been using a scarf while going out. When I was about 13, I started to wear a scarf around my face to prevent myself from pollution, It was the time when I was suffering from several allergies so it is recommended to avoid pollution, chocolates and other sweets for my betterment and that's how I started to wear a scarf but on that time I never thought that scarf would play a crucial role in my everyday routine. In my school days, I used a scarf whenever I went out except for going to school, I wore a scarf while going to shops, church and even to the departmental store which is on the next street and after completing school I started to wear a scarf everywhere I go, I started using scarf for a reason but now I can't go anywhere without wearing the scarf I feel something weird if I don't wear a scarf around my face. And on the sunny days if I don't wear scarves or hold an umbrella I would faint somewhere on my way. Wearing scarves isn't as easy as it seems, at first,t you'll feel suffocated and you'll be sweaty until you remove them but if you practice wearing them every day you'll get used to them. On top of all these things, wearing a scarf and stepping into the street is when all the street dogs would team up and bark at us as if we are aliens and they are saving the people from us, when I need someone to save me from those group of dogs (from experience). And the people in the street would also look at us weirdly. Whatever, It depends on us to do the things we like and the things we feel comfortable with.


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