
Showing posts from May, 2024

Homemade ice cream and its disaster

  As having plenty of time on this vacation I thought to learn things that would make my time useful and fun, I'm trying my best to keep myself busy with something useful. Yesterday after having my lunch, I was craving something sweet while searching in the fridge I found mangos so why not make a mango ice cream? I watched several videos got the essential products and started by peeling the skin of a mango. The only advice that I got from my father was to beat the mixture as much as possible, and then I boiled the milk without adding water to make it creamy after adding the mango pulp to the milk I blended it thinking that it would blend to a fine creamy consistency but it ended up to look like a smoothie, Maybe with beater, it might have worked. Then transferred it to a container and kept it in the fridge. After 2 hours I took it out and beat the cream which was slightly frozen using a blender then I kept it in the freezer overnight and took it out in the morning but was disappoin

Be grateful

  It was around 10:45 probably an hour ago before this blog got published, I was scrolling through reels as it's my habit to go through Instagram at least twice a week after checking stories I got into reels when I came across this reel where a man has been disabled but still he wants to do something for his living so he sells several products in the platform by which he could earn nearly 300 per day while questioning him about his lifestyle, he happily said that God has given him everything he needs, and God has blessed him with food which is more than enough for him. He said everything with a cheerful smile on his face which has never left him. He had open heart surgery and needed 4 units of blood even though they got the blood, it somehow got spoiled and he said he has been living till now with the blood of God running through him, I don't wanna take this blog as a religious one but I wanna share this thought I got while watching this reel, at first I thought to skip this re


  While scrolling through my phone and going through some unnoticed apps I found this app on my phone which has been a necessary component or the basic requirement of a phone but then is it the only requirement for us to use the phone? While going through my recent contacts the only frequent contact or else the only contact that I could see there was my father's number and then I slide to another page of the contact 'The contact list' The overall contacts that I had in the list are 25 except the emergency numbers, wondering why do I have contacts less than 100, and I wanna know whether it's normal so I checked my family members phone and I was astonished by the numbers of saved contacts in the phone which included minimum of 200 contacts. I was left speechless and doubted myself whether am I a normal human being? After arguing in my mind for a few minutes I realised that I'm not good with people so I barely save the contact of someone whom I met recently, I used to


 Have you ever been blindfolded and what are the thoughts you would have while being blindfolded? Or else what would be your thoughts if you're being blindfolded and taken to an unknown place and left there? You don't know where were you and you don't know what is happening around you. What is the purpose of a blindfold - To hide things that would be happening in front of them? And I recently realised that we have been blindfolded by the influenced people in our society. They are trying their best to hide the truth from us and they have been creating a good impression to make us believe the facts they have been delivering. For instance: the influencers on social media used to promote various brands by reviewing them but do they use the product on them regularly as they mention in the video? It's a kind of blindfold that has been happening in the society. The blindfold that I mentioned in the question that is in an unknown place might relate to a personal blindfold. Some


  Have you ever felt down by seeing others being depressed about their situation? If a little gestures or things make my heart feel happy then the silent sadness of people around would also affect me. We as humans desire for everyone to be happy without any worries around us but then accept the reality when we realise that our life is not a "bed full of roses" It does have ups and downs and unexpected encounters that will make us even stronger. If I'm being depressed about myself or about the things that relate to me then I might get normal after a fine nap or good food when I feel carefree about the things by which I was stressed out a while ago. But when people around me especially my loved ones get worried about their issues my facial brightness automatically goes down this might be because of their small issues, but then my face won't be normal until they comes back to normal mode, I wasn't feeling well not physically but mentally, I'm desperately in need

Fancy or comfortable

  I was a kid who wanted to dress up neatly yet elegant and even wanted to do make-up for special occasions, Everyone wanted to dress up nicely for every special occasion, some might dress up for their regular work too. On special occasions, we might wear dresses which will be uncomfortable for us to make us look good, as kids our parents might force us to wear certain dresses. I hate dresses that include a net or a rough material which might look good outside but not while wearing the dress. I avoided those types of dresses, when I was a kid I wore almost all the dresses even if they felt uncomfortable for me, It was a time when looks mattered the most to me than being comfortable but when I got some knowledge about our atmosphere from certain aspects of our life then I learnt that our comfort matters the most than anything. When I got into my early teenage I realised that comfort is more expensive than showing off,  So I started to wear dresses that could be comfortable for me and ac


 As I mentioned in my earlier blog I went out to get some things that would make my vacation useful yeah I went to buy some crochet threads, my mom used to crochet in her early 30s if she gets some leisure time. A few weeks before while going through my wardrobe to clean the mess I created, I found a crochet which is halfway done enquiring about the crochet to my mom, revealed that we wanted to make a dress for my sister when she was in her womb but she couldn't complete it, So my sister took the crochet emotionally and she wanted to finish the crochet by herself. When I look at crochet it takes me to the vintage where people would spend their free time doing art or hand work so I thought to learn something useful this summer, Although I never showed any interest in any kind of these hand art works I was excited to learn this so I asked my mom to teach me then I went to shopping and got the required products and got back home. My mom started to teach me at first I faced several dif

Precious drops from above

  It was around 10:30 pm yesterday when I saw the notification popping up on my phone saying that it might rain around 11 pm which left me to wonder HOW.... because we have been tired of this heat even being at home but yesterday's climate was kinda suspicious since the evening weather was quite dull indicating that it can rain anytime but the heat inside the house made me ignore the notification, after having some quality time with my family then planned to do my blogging before going to bed so I was focused on writing the blog so I didn't care much about the surrounding, after finishing my blog I felt sleepy so I slept off. Since it's a vacation I used to wake up between 8 - 9 am on the weekdays and my parents don't care about this much as long as they get their work done by me. When I woke up and went out of our bedroom and found that an unknown chill breeze was hitting my face I was elated and opened the back door of our house and looked at the lovely drops descendi

Broken Trust

  Trust is something that arises from the depth of our hearts it takes up a lot of time to build someone's trust in a person who's close to our hearts. We usually put our trust in our parents, siblings and the friends who are close to us but people like me put trust in anyone with their innocent face and their lies and believe anyone again and again with their innocent lies. And our trust can be broken by anyone which may lead to doubt towards everyone even if they are being true to us. When I was in 6th grade, I had this friend who was with me almost all the time, we used to do everything twining to be specific we read the same portions for the exams but then when we got separated by the class change which changed her attitude towards me. As I fool I thought she was the same friend with whom I spent five years as a sister but she wasn't which made me not trust anyone as I learned everyone will enjoy the moment and forget us once life moves on to the next part. There was an

The vintage England

  Whenever I hear the word 'vintage' my thoughts immediately swift to the 16 or 17th centuries when people would communicate with other humans directly or through letters instead of using phones to connect, they had a good relationship with people in their community, they believed and love the nature, they lived a life with a family and by doing their farming works, and it was a time when literature flourished so people might get lost in the books as books are the symbol of vintage and many built their career in literature who are we talking about till now. The thing that comes to my mind about the vintage are books, coffee, the streets and night street lights with the people surrounding holding hands together and singing songs and spending their tired evenings with neighbours and friends. these are the best parts of those centuries but the worst part is yet to come, Although we might compare our lives with theirs and think that they lived the best life without any difficulties


  My mom has always been a comfort zone for me where I could share every feeling of mine even if I got punishment by my teachers I would come home and tell her although she yelled at me for not being responsible enough I'd continue to share every incident or event that happen to me. Recently I shared about my crush with her she patiently heard everything and advised me not to have any kind of feelings for anyone at this age and told me to focus on my studies, as she knows that it would be an age where our spirit stumble so she understood it and advice me with her sweetest voice along with her gentle tone. She was always there for me, yeah we do have misunderstandings often and even stayed silent after a fight but we will compromise with each other by the end of the day. She always wanted to give me the best in everything even though it seemed bitter to me at first but later that would be for my good. She sacrificed her sleep, her desire, her health, and her untold dreams only for u

My first ever phone

 I got my first phone on the 8th of May 2023, the day when I got my board results back then I never owned a phone. Living in a technology-advancing century phone plays a crucial role in our daily schedule so my parents bought a new phone for me and my sister as she has been using her old phone for years, she convinced our parents and both of us got the same brand, same model and same colour phone with different phone cases. After using my phone for three days I started to notice that my phone has been draining so much of charge while using, As we all know it's abnormal to drain much charge in a new phone,  It drained out the charge even if we don't use it. Then the phone produces too much heat on the top, near the camera. at first, I thought it was because of the sunlight as I was on my way to my cousin's home when I first noticed it. After telling my parents we kept it under observation for a day and compared my sister's phone with mine as her phone works fine we thoug


  I used to write certain incidents that took place in my today life in my diary when I was an early teenager, the events that made me excited and happy and the incidents that made me lose hope and made me feel low. I don't write every day but occasionally I do, because I wanna pour out my overflowing emotions somewhere or to someone as I'm not a person who will be relaxed after sharing their true feeling, So I chose to write everything in a diary where no one could see it because There will be no privacy for you in most of the Asian households and they'll begin to judge you so I started to pour out my feeling in the diary and hide it somewhere where my family members won't able to reach it. But I somehow stopped writing it, I think the diary got replaced by notes on the phone because whenever I think of something or have any feelings instead of sharing it with my diary I started to note it down on the phone. But recently while I'm cleaning the shelf I got that diar

Responsible kid and her prawn gravy

  I went to Tambaram to get some work done, and to buy certain essential products which could make my vacation useful and journey went well with my defence umbrella and scarf which made me protected me from the sun after roaming in the Tambaram market for more than one hour, I planned to go somewhere on my way home. Got a bus to Chrompet which is kinda near Tambaram. Stopped near a store where I felt like entering a fridge once I stepped into the store my mom instructed me to get some provisions so to be a good girl I went straight to the provision section so as not to be distracted by anything else. After roaming for half an hour got almost everything that my mom asked for, after billing and stuffed all the things into my bag and came out of the store which made me feel like I stepped into a desert. As I got my bus home I noticed that the bus was quite good since we had a lot of empty which was unusual. Then came home and had lunch with my mom. I took a nap since I was wandering to pl

Katherine of Aragon

  Today's blog was all about an intelligent queen, the first wife of King Henry VIII. I studied about the Tudor family in the last semester where they taught about King Henry VIII and his descendants on the throne. It was quite interesting but then I felt bad for Katherine from the beginning as Henry has been cheating on her. I knew it was common for the kings to marry more than one woman but then Katherine felt different to me I don't know why, although she was already married to Arthur and then she got married to Henry after Arthur's death to continue the alliances between Spain and England. Katherine was an intelligent and stubborn princess of Spain but her character changed after marrying Henry if we look closely into the incidents which include Katherine and Henry. She has been quiet even after knowing that King Henry has been in an affair with Anne Boleyn. Katherine has been a quiet wife and queen to Henry until he wants to divorce her to get married to Anne. From the


 As I was writing my last exam of this semester, I felt sleepy to keep myself awake I had to move my eyes from place to place to see something interesting while roaming my eyes I spotted a board with a sketch where two young men were discussing something seriously while having a cup of coffee with a set of books aside the table below that drawing we could see a phrase which goes like "If I talk about a topic I pretend like knowing everything about that topic and the listener pretends to listen to everything carefully". This is not the exact phrase but the phrase gives you the same meaning which made me think of a person instantly and That's me I could see myself reflecting on the phrase as I'd do the same if I had to take seminars although I know nothing about the topic I would go there to take a seminar with some notes that I took on the topic and pretend like I've known this topic long ago but then if you ask me a question I would get a blank mind by which I cou

Not so sure

  Is socializing a significant factor in today's world? Or do we have to fake it to mingle with everyone and feel like not being left out by others? Socializing is a natural character of humans which can be different for people, I don't feel comfortable talking to someone on our first meeting but then if we get to know each other you won't find me keeping my mouth shut for more than a minute. I always had this doubt within myself Do I get anxious because of the crowd or of unknown people? And do I have to consider myself an introvert or a person with social anxiety? My sister said that these two differ from each other a lot. Because my heart beat rises if I had to speak in front of people or to be more specific I'd be nervous if everyone's attention turned towards me. But I love to go everywhere to get any work done all by myself but with a scarf covering my face, Nowadays I'm getting practice talking to shopkeepers to get things. Despite my work to get done out


 I used to ignore a lot of things specifically if I do something important and serious I put my concentration into that work and to avoid disturbance I put on my headphones and ignored everything that happened around me as if I was the only one who had been existing in the whole world. Maybe it will be so useful to concentrate on what you do but sometimes it might end up something terrible just as I would end up getting a nice smack on my head from my parents for not responding to them. So being cautious about everything that you are surrounded with always makes you a careful person in every aspect of life. We used to ignore the plenty of time which is given to us for studying but then we would regret the decisions of our life and try to blame everything the night before our exam. Ignoring a person or their talks seems disrespectful and we should think of others' emotions and feelings too which could be affected because of our negligence, It also happens in a group of people where


  Yesterday, after coming home by 9 pm being drained out if I got a single chance to get away from the sight of my parents then I would jump into bed and fly to my 7th world, But my parents held this condition firmly from their childhood days that is we should not get to bed with empty stomach since many of them in the world in that meantime would so desperate to get a slice of bread, So we should not waste the food which is given to us. Then I had rice with curry as my dinner you may wonder rice for dinner?.... yup the leftover rice for the quieter kid? Had my dinner then my mom told me that she had many preparations to do for her vacation bible school. So She told me to help her with the preparations. I had to awake till 3 in the early morning with the fear of the exams which would be happening on the same day without studying anything, I had to attend the exam but I was already drained I couldn't think of anything when I went to sleep in the early morning. I wouldn't even op