Broken Trust


Trust is something that arises from the depth of our hearts it takes up a lot of time to build someone's trust in a person who's close to our hearts. We usually put our trust in our parents, siblings and the friends who are close to us but people like me put trust in anyone with their innocent face and their lies and believe anyone again and again with their innocent lies. And our trust can be broken by anyone which may lead to doubt towards everyone even if they are being true to us. When I was in 6th grade, I had this friend who was with me almost all the time, we used to do everything twining to be specific we read the same portions for the exams but then when we got separated by the class change which changed her attitude towards me. As I fool I thought she was the same friend with whom I spent five years as a sister but she wasn't which made me not trust anyone as I learned everyone will enjoy the moment and forget us once life moves on to the next part. There was an incident that happened in our family in which my parents lost the trust that they had in us although that incident was never related to me. That is when I realised how hard it is to gain their trust in us. Trust and love are two beautiful things in this entire universe that can be gained or arise through overcoming certain hardships but can be broken by a single word, In that sense, some couldn't even put their trust in another person ever again. It's never been a chance to us for breaking someone's blind trust in us but as an option.


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