
 I used to ignore a lot of things specifically if I do something important and serious I put my concentration into that work and to avoid disturbance I put on my headphones and ignored everything that happened around me as if I was the only one who had been existing in the whole world. Maybe it will be so useful to concentrate on what you do but sometimes it might end up something terrible just as I would end up getting a nice smack on my head from my parents for not responding to them. So being cautious about everything that you are surrounded with always makes you a careful person in every aspect of life. We used to ignore the plenty of time which is given to us for studying but then we would regret the decisions of our life and try to blame everything the night before our exam. Ignoring a person or their talks seems disrespectful and we should think of others' emotions and feelings too which could be affected because of our negligence, It also happens in a group of people where one would be ignored by others some might accept the behaviour of everyone but some would be hurt by the way we treat them as they value interaction with people the most even the gestures of us would make them feel left out which also might give them dark memories of that particular timeline. Let's try not to ignore everything around us as it won't give a pleasant feeling either to us or to the people around us, But there would be things which have to be ignored in our life as they won't take us to the heights that we dreamed of. Let's try to differentiate things and learn from our mistakes.


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