The realization


As I sat down for coffee with my family, I had a moment of realization that left me feeling quite fascinated. It all started when my dad handed me half of a coconut biscuit, fully aware of my dislike for anything coconut-flavored. In return, I offered him a slice of cake Goobles. This simple exchange got me thinking about the striking contrasts between the way my parents' generation and mine approach food and daily routines. While they have a preference for homemade meals and structured eating times, my sister and I often opt for quick, packaged food without adhering to a set schedule.

Reflecting on the past, I realized that scarcity led to large shared meals with numerous siblings and cousins, whereas today's children tend to lean towards packaged foods, despite their parents' efforts to offer healthier options. Another striking difference is the age at which my dad took on family responsibilities – just 15 years old. In contrast, many of us today seem to shy away from such obligations.

Despite these disparities, one thing remains unwaveringly strong across the generations – a profound love for our families.


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