Out of our comfort zone


<span;>Growing up surrounded by people who could protect you and be there for you whenever you need them life won't be the same forever right? there will be a point when we have to come out of that bubble and stand up for ourselves when we struggle a lot if we have grown in a complete comfort zone for a long period. In my life, still I completely haven't got out of my comfort zone but I somehow trained myself to be strong because nothing goes according to our plan, I trained myself by going everywhere all by myself so that we could experience new atmospheres and different kinds of people which could teach us to tackle certain situations which we haven't came across till then, As I mentioned in my earlier blogs after going to places alone I came to know certain necessary information which I had to know, some could think we can't able to know the face of world while living with parents, I feel like it depends on their opinion towards their parents because My parents used to push me forward to do things by my own and they'll stay back of me only to guide but I have to do everything on my own. If we stay in a comfort zone for a longer period In a situation when we have to stand up for ourselves and there is no one else to do it for us that could be hard to get out of it. Instead of seeking others' help in the places where we have to stand for ourselves, throw our insecurities out and come out of the bubble to have a better life. But still, I haven't got out of my comfort zone completely since I' 'm a student I realise I can able to figure out myself when I'm alone compared to being with


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