Is it weird or unique?

 I used to go to most places all by myself to get my work done, and I felt so comfortable going everywhere all alone, Today afternoon, As soon as I got off the bus in Tirusulam I didn't know which way I have to go to reach the place I was assigned to go, I was wandering around a same building for about 3 times within 20 minutes. Finally got into the place I had to be in. This made me realize that going alone in certain ways will always teach us something which will make us aware of it in the future, But my parents used to be like 'Don't go alone anywhere whether it's day or night and unless we tell you to go there all by yourself'. And I don't understand the logic they use here. However, the thing that I wanna share with y'all isn't this but How I will be in public places and the insecurities I have there. I always carry a backpack with me by which I feel secure I don't know why but I feel safe. sometimes I used to wear my bag front which is quite different but it's a safety for my belongings, I usually do this in crowded places, and  addition to this I wear a shawl around my face everywhere I go, I don't know whether It seems quite weird for people to stare at me. Wherever I went alone people would stare at me, which made me feel little uncomfortable. I used to do so many crazy things which would embarrass myself like being lost somewhere near the place which had to be, getting vegetables and fruits much than what I asked for the shopkeeper aunty, cracking eggs right after buying by spinning them around on the way to on but then this is me who used to be a troublesome kid till now, The question is "should I find it weird or unique"? To be myself, Or else should I change myself to be a mature young kid?


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