The unforgettable moments of terrace


Our terrace in the upstairs played a remarkable role in my childhood. I was having my tea this evening while chit-chatting with my parents a spark of memory flashed in my mind for a second, The beautiful memory that I had in my childhood with my parents. It was a time when my parents were financially struggling a lot and here I and my sister were so little that we didn't even know the meaning of finance. So we were living on the first floor, above that terrace was there, whenever the power went off we used to get all our pillows and sleeping mat and we'd run to the terrace and come home at midnight when the power came back, As that was time there weren't many houses nearby so that we can be there in the terrace without disturbing others. We'll go there have some chit-chatting with each other and happily play together as we all were small kids. I remember the naughty things that I did even when my parents told me not to do. Once maybe I was like 4 or 5 years old, when we were talking about something funny and I was holding a water jar in one hand and my dad's Nokia phone in the other hand. As a crazy kid, I wanna know whether the phone was in size to put inside the jar so I opened the jar and placed it above the jar while holding onto the phone but I don't know what got into me suddenly, I released my hand in which I was holding the phone, that poor phone drowned and I was terrified about my parent's reaction regarding this, as my parents were looking somewhere else I was slowing trying to escape from there with a terrified look on my face which gone noticed by my Appa, As he was analysing my face he asked me what crazy thing that I did now, slowly his attention goes to that poor phone which was asking for help, My dad quickly took the phone out and gave me a stare which I still remember, After a while, everyone started to talk happily like before as everyone knows that they have weird monkey creature with them whose hand will never stay still. I really miss those days when we talked to each other so freely and happily even when we were amidst of stress and worries, Those days will never fade away from my memories and I'll always dream of recreating all these things with my family once again, hope that It'll come true in future. Add your sweet childhood memories to the comment section.


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