Does our self-care define us ?....yes, obviously it does, taking care of us physically and mentally would define us to others. As a teenager, I don't use any cosmetics or skin care products on me, which doesn't mean I'm not taking care of myself. I would hear a lot of criticism from people whom I trust the most, Isn't that our choice to wear make-up or not, Isn't that my freedom to choose what I like, I'm not being like ''we should not wear make-up''. it's a personal opinion of each of us, some would gain confidence after wearing makeup which is completely fine. And self-care - involves mental beauty which is more important. feeding our inner self with good notions and avoiding adverse perspectives from people, being confident in the things we do without being insecure about our personality and our creativity, and looking down on ourselves are symptoms of being unstable, which would lead us to severe mental illness if we fail to take care of our inner self. I'm not saying that mental beauty is more important than facial beauty, It depends on the people to which they give more preferences. I'm not wearing make-up doesn't mean, I'm hating it. I personally believe that our character and personality toward others make us even more beautiful, and our beauty is expressed through our doings. It's my personal opinion (no offense). feel free to add your point of view and thoughts regarding this blog in the comment section


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