Hey everyone, it's so delightful to see y'all once again through this blog, while I was thinking about some random stuff this evening, I came across this incident that happened last week. One evening while I was on my way to music class from college, a group of 3 Akka (sister) came in front of me and began to block my way out, although I was scared deep inside, I tried to keep up my tone with them. Then they introduced them as a fund collector for cancer patients so they insisted me to pay for one meal which would be around 500 bucks and I was there with 40 bucks in hand, I told them that I didn't have money to pay for the fund to which they insist me to give them what I have right there. I didn't want to be rude, so I took 20 bucks from my purse and tried to put it inside the donation box, To which that one Akka took it from my hand and went from there with a displeased expression on her face. which made me disappointed with their attitude and I started to make my way home, To which another akka made me stop and enunciate that they had been there for so long even without having their lunch, she continued to say hurtful things and left there with irritated face. guess what?... obviously, I teared up there....water flowed from my eyes and made its way to my nose and then to my cheeks.... which made me distressed for the rest of the day. Is it wrong to help others with what we have OR should we have to be rude to people by ignoring them? what would you have done if you were in my place? feel free to comment with your thoughts and ideas, and correct me if I was faulty anywhere. see y'all soon.    


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